Snapchat/OMG study: Creators can boost brand purchase and reputation

by | Jan 28, 2025 | News

Snapchat and Omnicom Media Group have released a major new study which underlines the impact that creators can have on brand performance. Based on responses from 12,000 social media users, the study found that creators can boost brand reputation and purchasing intent – as well as driving awareness.

Introducing the report, Snapchat said: “Consumers are taking notice of creators, with 68% telling us they’ve seen brand sponsored creator content. With creators grabbing the attention of consumers and marketers alike, Snapchat partnered with OMG and eye square to understand the impact creators have, especially commerce outcomes.”

In terms of basic awareness, the study found that “compared to standard brand ads, we found that for creator ads attention paid was 12% longer and playtime was 8% longer.” When paired together, “seeing a creator ad followed by a brand ad drove significant lifts in Ad Recall and Unaided Brand Awareness.”

More intriguingly, consumers said creators’ opinions are relevant during the consideration (71%) and purchase (70%) phases of their shopping journeys. “This sentiment came to life with actual results in our simulated shopping task. Compared to the control group, seeing a creator ad prior to a product focused ad drove significant lifts in consumers viewing a product’s details page and brand purchase.”

As for brand reputation, the study found that “including creators in the mix benefits brands beyond just driving outcomes. When consumers were exposed to a creator ad followed by a product ad, brands came off as more trustworthy compared to when they were only exposed to product ads. This halo effect means creators can positively influence how a brand is perceived, especially if that creator is already highly likable.”

The study concludes that: “Creators may have only been thought of as an awareness play, but research proves they can help drive purchases and boost brand reputation.”

The report authors stress, however, that it is crucial to get the right creator fit: ”Brands looking to boost their image and build trust should weave creators into their campaign mix. Creators used in campaigns should be authentically aligned with the brand and its products, and have a level of trust built up with their own audience.”

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